when the pipers play

when the pipers play

Isla St Clair is a Scottish singer, actress and former game show assistant.

This song appears on the DVD/Video Instrument of War: Ladies from Hell

I hear the voice, I hear the war

I hear the sound, on a distant shores

I feel the spirit, of yesterday

I touch the past, when the Piper’s play.

The pipes get played, for you and me

They kept on saying, we’ll soon be free

And your soul, will never fade away

You live forever, when the piper’s play

The piobrach hears, its deadly cry

On some will live and some will die

And though they fought so far away

I feel the presence when the pipers play

The pipes kept playing, for you and me

They kept on saying, we’ll soon be free

And your soul, will never fade away

You live forever, when the piper’s play

It speaks of love, I have lost

Its speaks of my eternal cost

It speaks the price I refused to pay

Of lives remembered, when the Pipers play

We will remember when the pipers play

Pipes Playing

The pipes kept playing, for you and me

They kept on saying we’ll soon be free

And your soul, will never fade away

You live forever, when the piper’s play

The pipes kept playing, for you and me

They kept on saying we’ll soon be free

And your soul, will never fade away

You live forever, when the piper’s play

Pipes Playing

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